While Jack is away...
We sure missed Jack while he was in Texas, but we tried to keep busy! Visited the Natural Science Museum- saw some dinosaurs and touched a meteor; stumbled onto a book festival and found Waldo; went to the Oceanografic to see the tortoises and new jellyfish exhibit; played at the park numerous times - the calla lilies are taller than Leif!; and I even got some flowers from Leif to "cheer you up because your too sad Daddy's gone." Those were 10 of the hardest days of my life, and I'm glad they're over, but I cherish the memories made with these awesome kids of ours! #nineofus #minusone #valenciatoaustin #austintovalencia #familyfun #flowersmakeahearthappy #aventuristas #tortoises #myhearthasreturned #amor